You would do anything for your children, and you’ve enjoyed a loving relationship with them throughout their lives. But recently, you’ve noticed that things are strained between you, and they seem resentful. Is it just normal adolescence or are you the victim of...
family law
The importance of financial acuity when divorcing
Financial matters may not be your strong point. You might have preferred to leave the money dealings to your spouse. Many couples tick along happily in this way. That needs to change fast if you are divorcing. Otherwise, you risk walking away with an inadequate...
Tips for improving your co-parenting skills in the new year
Co-parenting can be one of the most challenging aspects of navigating life after separation or divorce, especially when emotions run high and differences arise. Putting your focus on the well-being of your children may help you foster a more positive and supportive...
Can child support help cover college costs?
When parents divorce or break up, they have to split up their parental rights and responsibilities. They either reach an agreement through negotiations or ask a family law judge to apply New Jersey state statutes to their circumstances. Each parent typically receives...
Asking for alimony in a New Jersey divorce? Points to consider
Depending on your situation, you may intend to petition for alimony in an imminent divorce. You have much better odds of receiving a fair spousal support award when you understand how the court approaches alimony. If you are divorcing in New Jersey, here is what you...
How co-parents can approach discipline
Typically, co-parents approach most things regarding raising their child differently than if they were still living under the same roof. One such thing is discipline. How can you discipline your child when they are moving between two houses? Here is how co-parents can...
If your parents got divorced, are you doomed to repeat it?
There are many different factors that can be used to predict a divorce. Nothing can correctly predict it in all cases, of course. However, the statistics indicate that certain groups of people are more likely to get divorced than others. One example of this is when...
How can adultery affect a New Jersey divorce?
There are many reasons why couples in New Jersey divorce. Adultery or extramarital affairs are consistently among the top reasons reported for modern divorce filings. Infidelity devastates the trust and respect between spouses. It can also lead to a very contentious...
What are my options if my spouse refuses to sell the house?
One of the biggest challenges in a divorce in New Jersey can be dividing marital property, particularly the family home. If your partner refuses to sell the house, this can complicate the process. Here's what you need to know about your options. Negotiating a...
Why it’s difficult to divorce a narcissist
From the outside, it may look like you have the perfect marriage. Many of your social acquaintances wonder why you want to divorce such a wonderful spouse. What they don't realize is that you're married to a narcissist. The narcissistic traits Divorce is already a...