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Guidance Through Post Judgment Enforcement And Modification Issues

Post-judgment enforcement refers to those situations after a divorce when a party is not complying with one or more terms of the property settlement agreement or divorce judgment. In those situations it may become necessary to make an application to the court to have the agreement or judgment enforced.An example would be where one party had agreed to transfer title to certain property over to the other party, then fails or refuses to do it. In that situation a court order may be necessary in order to force the party to comply with his or her prior agreement.

When attempting to modify existing family law orders, it is important to have on your side an attorney who understands every aspect of family law. As a family law lawyer, Sal DePinto has been serving New Jersey clients for 30 years.

What Is Post-Judgment Modification?

Post-judgment modification refers to those situations where circumstances have changed to a point where either child support or alimony should be increased or decreased. Some examples of circumstances that might warrant a change in the amount of these payments include:

  • Loss of income/job
  • Injury or illness resulting in disability
  • Retirement
  • Substantial increase in income
  • Emancipation of child
  • Child custody changes due to relocation or other issues
  • Increased child care costs such as college or medical costs

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