If you are the custodial parent of your New Jersey child, you might need to learn how to file so you can receive child support from the other parent. Child support can help ensure that your child’s financial needs are covered, including living, educational and healthcare needs.
Understanding the basics of child support
Both biological parents and adoptive parents are responsible for financially supporting their children, even if the parents are not married. Child support is usually paid until the child turns 18 or until they finish high school. These payments also end if the child joins the military before they turn 18 or if they get married. There are, however, provisions for continuing child support past 18 for special needs children.
Filing for child support
Once you have decided to legally file for child support, you need to get in touch with your local child support agency. There, you can find assistance with the process. There are several steps involved, including:
• Locating the other parent and advising them that you will be seeking child support
• Completing the child support application and other court forms and filing them with the court
• Establishing paternity
• Gathering financial documents
• Receiving an order of support
Receiving child support
Once the child support order has been issued, you should begin receiving payments. The payments will usually come through the New Jersey Family Support Payment Center since in most cases they will be deducted from the non-custodial parent’s paycheck directly. Child support payments might also be withheld from Social Security benefit payments, disability payments or unemployment benefit payments.
If a parent fails to make their child support payments, the child support agency can also help you and certain penalties might be applied. These include wage garnishment and revoking of business licenses, so there are options available to help custodial parents receive what is owed.